Ainsley Costello “Someone’s Someone”

Back in basic school, I was sore and aching, seeing people finding boyfriends and doing a lot of public displays of affection which further fueled the turmoil in me. Chatting with other people revealed I wasn’t the only one feeling so distressed over not having someone, and that there were even certain circles where you had to have someone in order to be someone. On a hindsight it was all quite silly, and probably also a good thing I didn’t dip into this stuff so early.

But this fiery turmoil of not having someone is not a thing of the past for many others, and thus I’m glad to introduce a new song that will very likely succeed in putting that fire out a little and remind us what’s really important. The song, fittingly titled “Someone’s Someone“, is the newest release by the young and rocking singer-songwriter Ainsley Costello. She’s an artist who’s passionate about writing songs that spread her voice and messages, and with enough loudness that everyone who may need to hear that will get to listen. That’s because Costello’s discography is full of highly relevant themes, among them the fiery and illustrative breakup song “Two Ships” and a song called “Little Sister” that describes the destructive effect of undoable expectations.

“Someone’s Someone” takes us straight into the diverse and confusing world of a young woman. Her life is full of choices, some more exciting than others and all taking her onwards into the future. There’s just one thing that doesn’t fit in her plan as much, and it’s a boyfriend, and unfortunately that’s all what her family and friends are asking about. And thus the single rocks and soars like a true rock song, strongly illuminating that you don’t need to be in a relationship to be someone yourself. That’s the sort of message I wish I had heard when I was a very impressionable preteen lacking the self-sustaining stance.

“For women, putting ourselves first has been a generations long problem. Sure, it’s improved, but I still think society has a strong tendency of shaming young girls into thinking that the best thing they can be is someone’s girlfriend or significant other. I know the struggle, people always want to know if I have a boyfriend or girlfriend. But why is that? Isn’t writing over 150 songs, recording and releasing 23 songs, and touring 12 states and performing 150 shows something to talk about? Why is it always about a significant other? I love a good love song for sure, my last song ‘Two Ships’ went there in a big way. I know love is universal, but it seems to me that the songs I heard growing up were always about love and heartbreak. Now as I’ve gotten older, I wish I would’ve heard more songs that affirmed me and my dreams. So I really wanted to write that song for any little girl who might be dreaming and wishing for a big and beautiful life. When people ask me about a boyfriend, I say “I chase dreams, not boys.” Go get it girls! We have one life, let’s make the best of it!”

Ainsley Costello

The single is out now, give it a listen today!

Don’t forget to support this project and to follow on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, SoundCloud, YouTube, and Spotify. You can also visit her official website.

It also helps to stream and share her music; you can obviously find it in the following Playlists: Less Than 1,000 Followers,  Fresh SinglesIndie Only12 New Songs This Week, and Female Rising Stars

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This coverage was created via    Musosoup   #sustainablecurator


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